We’d like to share the latest step in the journey of Leazes Homes with you.  

Your Homes Newcastle has delivered services on our behalf, as well as for Newcastle City Council, for several years.

Newcastle City Council has taken the decision to close Your Homes Newcastle and will instead deliver the services itself. Since the decision was made, Leazes Board has been looking for a new partner to deliver our services.

After a thorough selection process, we’re pleased to tell you that Karbon Homes has been selected as our preferred partner. Subject to a consultation with all Leazes Homes tenants and all relevant checks, we’re proposing to transfer the management of all of our homes to Karbon in summer 2024.  We would very much like to hear your views about this proposal and we’ll be in touch again soon to provide you with the opportunity to share them with us.

In the meantime, we’ve put together the following questions and answers, which will hopefully answer any questions you have.

 What is being proposed?

Subject to consultation with its tenants, Leazes Homes is proposing that it will join the Karbon Homes group as a subsidiary.  It is currently a subsidiary of YHN.

Who is Karbon Homes?

Karbon Homes is a registered social housing provider and a charity like Leazes Homes. It manages almost 30,000 homes across the North of England.  It is focused on providing good quality homes, delivering excellent customer service and creating strong and sustainable places to live.

Why Karbon Homes?

Karbon Homes is much larger than Leazes Homes, but both have similar values and are not-for-profit organisations.  Karbon Homes already has over 3,600 homes in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and has been operating in the area since the mid-1970s, with excellent local knowledge.

In these times of economic uncertainty, being part of a larger organisation offers more security and financial strength.  Being a subsidiary of a financially strong organisation like Karbon Homes with the depth and breadth of services it can offer tenants, will help Leazes Homes respond to these challenges.  This security and financial strength mean Karbon Homes would be better able to support Leazes Homes tenants, both now and in the long term.

How did the opportunity to join the Karbon Homes group arise?

Leazes Homes has always been looking to improve and deliver more services to tenants.  In November 2023 Newcastle City Council took the decision to take the management of its housing stock, managed by YHN, back in house to deliver services directly.  As a result, YHN can no longer help Leazes Homes deliver services.  Joining the Karbon Group will allow Leazes Homes to continue to deliver good quality services to tenants as an independent Registered Provider. 

In November 2023 Leazes Homes went out to the market to invite interested parties to secure a future partner to help it provide and improve the services it could offer to tenants.  After a thorough selection process, Karbon Homes was selected as Leazes Homes preferred partner.

How do tenants provide their views on the proposals?

 Leazes Homes will be consulting with their tenants about the proposed changes that will help influence the Board’s final decision. Tenants will have an opportunity to have their say about the services they will receive in the future.  The consultation will be circulated to tenants at a later date, and we will widely publicise how tenants can take part in this.  No decision will be reached on the proposal until Leazes Homes tenants have been consulted and have had their say. 

Will Leazes Homes change its name?

No, Leazes Homes will keep its name and brand.

I’m a Leazes Homes tenant, will Karbon Homes now be my landlord?

No, Leazes Homes will continue to be your landlord.  Leazes Homes will remain a Registered Provider regulated by Regulator of Social Housing.  The only difference will be that Karbon Homes will deliver the services that YHN currently do.

When will it happen?

Subject to a consultation with tenants and all relevant checks, it’s proposed that Leazes Homes will join the Karbon Homes group in summer 2024.

Why is Leazes Homes not transferring to Newcastle City Council like the rest of Your Homes Newcastle?

Leazes Homes owns all of the homes that they rent to their tenants.  Leazes Homes is independent of the Council and always envisaged that, should YHN not be in a position to provide services, it would continue to remain independent by seeking a new partner to deliver services on its behalf. 

Will there be disruption to the services I receive?

No. Leazes Homes, Karbon Homes and Your Homes Newcastle are committed to working together to ensure a smooth handover of services.  We do not envisage any disruption.

Once the consultation with tenants has been completed, we’ll keep you updated on the outcome of the decision and will be able to provide more information about what this will mean for you.

What happens next?

There is still a lot of work to do before the Leazes Homes board make a final decision.  This includes full consultation with tenants and staff and detailed checks to determine whether joining Karbon Homes is right for Leazes Homes.  We will get back to all tenants to let them know the final decision.

For now nothing changes, you should continue to access services in the same way as you normally do with YHN.