General needs
Leazes Homes currently has almost 400 “general needs” properties across a number of sites within Newcastle, including brand new homes and beautifully refurbished older buildings, such as park lodges. All of our general needs properties are advertised and allocated through Newcastle Homes. Here is a flavour of some of the general needs housing we provide:
Older person’s housing
Leazes Homes has a range of different properties that are designed to meet the needs of older people, including more traditional sheltered housing schemes, independent living in level access bungalows, assisted living and extra care schemes and accommodation specifically designed for people with dementia. Anyone who wishes to enquire about the older person’s housing offered […]

Specialist housing
At Leazes Homes, we recognise that some people need support to live independently, and we’ve developed lots of properties that help people with particular needs. This includes specially adapted bungalows for people with physical disabilities, assisted living for adults with learning disabilities, and specialist schemes for adults with autism and other complex needs. These properties […]